this showed up on my doorstep. I couldn't just leave it there, so I had to bring it in. Once it was in, I claimed it as my own. I like it. :)
So, two weeks ago I said something about posting some big news. Well, right after that good news, I got sick and did not feel like doing much of anything for a few days, so I figure, better late than never and I will post now.
On January 13, we went to the doctor and had an ultrasound. We finally got to see our little one.

Here he is! If you are having trouble with figuring this picture out, his head is to the right and you can see his profile.

Apparently he really likes to be curled up.
And, I saved the best for last.

Here you can see his face. I think he is going to have Jason's nose. We really weren't expecting to get to see a 3-D picture of Cole. It was so nice to get a sneak peak of our little one. Now we are working on getting everything ready for his arrival.
21 weeks, 1 day
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